return to innocence

美 [rɪˈtɜːrn tu ˈɪnəsns]英 [rɪˈtɜːn tu ˈɪnəsns]
  • 网络反璞归真;返璞归真;返朴归真;回到单纯;洗净铅华
return to innocencereturn to innocence
  1. Return to Innocence in a prime pot enough to appreciate heaven and earth situation , they dress in enough to make one forget the world cup of tea . 7 bowls of wind , a cup of thick cross .


  2. Return to Innocence , closely follow the trend of fashion , nothing is impossible !


  3. However , when more and more intensive high-rise buildings stands , the increasingly high-tech daily necessities product , people began singing " Return to Innocence ", " Return to nature " philosophy of life .
